Monday, October 20, 2008

Is Your Partner Cheating??

Signs That Indicate Your Partner May Be Cheating on You

No doubt you have watched the reality show know as’ Cheaters’. Today’s fast paced modern lifestyles and temptations mean more and more relationships are falling apart which is really very sad. Love is precious and relationships are very valuable because loneliness can be the result. You can save your relationship in time if you start doing damage control as soon as you see signs that he/she may be cheating on you!

Be vigilant for these signs that may indicate your partner is cheating on you:

1. Don’t care attitudes regarding your relation ship. Your partner may start being more argumentative, critical of the smallest things and distant -- less loving and affectionate—they may also want more freedom and space and mention this fact verbally.

2. Pay attention when there are unexplained absences from your partner. Examples are staying later at work leaving the office for lunch breaks and meetings more often than normal -- spending a lot more time "with his/her friends" or suddenly pursuing a new hobby sport or gym classes during evenings and weekends --frequently off shopping running errands or other absences where a friend suddenly needs help.

3. A sudden Increase in personal expenses and credit card bills and if your partner gets pocket money they may be broke all the time which was not the case before. Also look at joint savings if you have one because money may be withdrawn behind your back.

4. look for changing telephone use patterns Examples are that your partner spends more time on the phone which you can see on the bill if you f do not notice – you may also notice that they are more anxious to be first to answer phone when it rings . Other signs are mysterious incoming calls, hang-ups when you get to the phone first, and a lot more wrong numbers than usual. Check for new cell phones and pagers of a sudden urge to check emails on the computer more than normal.

5. A big sign to look out for is when your partner starts paying much more attention to personal appearance and grooming. Sometimes you will note a seemingly innocent crash diet or exercise program that they are following, a new look trendy new wardrobe, perfumes or aftershaves being worn a lot more regularly and even a new hairstyle or nails on women.

6. Look out if they have suddenly developed an added interest in the mail and also want to limit your access to it, especially the phone bills, bank, and credit card statements ( see point 3 and 4).

7. harder to spot but look out for articles of unknown origin slips of paper with names, phone numbers, in pockets, wallets or purses. Check for receipts showing unmentioned purchases from unknown bars or restaurants. Look for strange cigarette butts in ashtrays, gum or food wrappers in cars or pockets.

8. Unusual but possible signs you can look for are also mysterious bite marks, bruises, scratches, and red marks on the neck. Check for strange perfume or after shave smells on clothing in the washing basket and lipstick marks.

9. Be aware if there is a sudden change in your partners sex drive. This could be a decreasing interest in sex and touching less tenderness or being romantic newfound knowledge regarding a previously unexplored technique or position or different ways she shows affection.

10. Look out for unexplained sexy lingerie and underwear, which you never thought your partner owned and stained clothing in the washing basket. Check if the normal washday pattern changes and your partner want to wash clothing more often than before.

The longer you have been with your partner the easer it is to spot sudden changes in your relationship. It is not going to do you any good in finding out you are right and your partner is cheating on you. If you value your relationship start doing everything possible to renew bonds and show your partner that you really are their soul mate and truly love them with all your heart.

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