Reasons for break ups in relationships
There are a lot of reasons for the break ups in relationships some pretty serious and others unfortunately trivial. A few examples of reasons for break ups in relationships include problems such as abuse, bigamy, adultery, guilt, abandonment, imprison, conflicting beliefs, jealousy, inconsideration for your partners needs, disrespect, and lack of commitment though there are certainly many more. Breaking up need not be the final end to your relationship and if you know the reasons for why your relationship is falling apart there is hope to repair the damage if it is done in time. Jealously is one of the leading reasons for break ups in relationships.
Be careful of the Jealousy green monster
Jealousy is called the green monster by many and real jealously acted out on hurt emotions can, only make the problem worse. It does not matter whether a man or woman has a wandering eye, because this is wrong, since it is shows disregard and lack of respect to your partner. Actions like this also indicate to your partner that if someone else came along the he or she may stray. This sort of action of looking and sizing up other men and women may also tells your partner that lust is the main focus in the relationship, and so real elements of love that make the relationship strong with an eye on longevity are non-existing, or lacking.
Other reasons for Break Ups in Relationships
Inconsiderate and inappropriate habits and behaviors, that include careless viewing of sexually explicit programs, or careless consideration in choices overall can increase feelings of jealousy. If either partner has a habit of watching nude programs, pornography, or else reading materials of such content, he/she is lacking respect for their partner. The relationship will definitely experience problems and a break up may be the result.
When a person dearly loves another person, then the focus will be giving attention to the partner more than anything else. A man that loves his wife will not be looking at other women with sexual eyes, or else with intentions of spicing up the relationship. Rather, the man will focus on the pleasure and enjoyment of his wife fulfilling her needs every way possible. Women are not objects of sexuality, or entertainment, an many men neglect nurturing a relationship with a women on an equal basis that the women will focus doing for them.
Abuse, neglect, Adultery and many other reasons cause breakups in relationships. After breaking up only then may partners truly realize how much they were in love and some serious damage control will be b necessary if you want to win your ex back
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