Many guys have emailed me asking similar questions which are how they can satisfy their sweethearts in the bedroom, so I decided to give a few pointers in this post, even though I have answered the queries personally. Maybe women do not know it but under all that bravado, men are terrified at hashing up their first intimate encounter in the bedroom, with fears of premature ejaculation, impotence, being too small body odors etc. Here are a few guidelines for keeping her satisfied in the bedroom, and there are also some superb guides on this blog that will teach you how to become a perfect lover for her thus cementing your relationship.
Yes she is very different to you in their intimate needs!
It goes without saying that by now you should know that men are stimulated sexually a lot quicker than women, and will also orgasm faster; and your sweetheart may just beginning to warm up while it is over for you. Foreplay is very important to stimulate her during sex, and if you do it with love and patience, you may even bring her to orgasm before you do. Download the FREE Sex Myths guide for men on this blog to clear up a few untruths about bedroom encounters, while it will also give you more confidence on keeping her satisfied in the bedroom. If you really have no idea on how to stimulate a woman, it may be a great idea investing in guides to do so. Going into detail on this blog on foreplay is not possible because it is an all ages blog, but what I will say is use your imagination a little and explore and delight in the beauty of a woman’s body.
How to last longer in the bedroom for men
Once a man has been sexually satisfied then there is a cooling off period, while a woman can still remain stimulated afterwards. Cuddling your sweetheart close after you have been intimate is important, and you can whisper sweet words into her ears while you wait to become stimulated again. This means a lot to her (especially if you suffered premature ejaculation in your excitement), and by doing this will really give you brownie points. If you did not manage to hold back and were satisfied before she had a chance to be satisfied, kissing and cuddling her while whispering sweet words in her ears telling how much you love her can make up for it until you are ready again. The best way to last longer in the bedroom is foreplay as mentioned above, and a great idea for keeping her satisfied in the bedroom is stroking, and petting her first, and a good idea is keeping your underwear on to making sure you keep your distance to avoid becoming over stimulated and ejaculation.
Women understand more than you think.
Your sweetheart understands a lot more about sexual make up of a man than what you think and some are even flattered that you were so excited you could not hold back so do not let this tress you out too much. Size is also not important for keeping her satisfied in the bedroom but technique is. Your first time can be a disaster, but the second infinitely sweet and special for both of you. It is important that you are both ready to take your relationship to the next level and you an arm yourself with some useful information on becoming an expert lover with guides written by professionals.
1 comment:
Love likes the fire, it can't be made a fool, it would burn your own.
The true love suddenly broken, not only but like the old man who has lost the stick.
True love is love which only for two person, and no place for the third person.
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