Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Getting Your Ex Love Back

Breakups are painful which goes without saying, and many will scoff at others that say they feel real pain of a broken heart if they have never experienced it them selves. Fact is, that it really feels as if your heart has split into two pieces like someone stuck a knife into it! After you have broken up, you know you really do not want to move on. It is only after you have lost someone you love that you really realize just how much they meant to you. Now that you are no longer together you still feel a sense of deep longing to be back together again with your ex. You know you are meant to be together, no matter how stormy your relationship was and you realize that now! Now you wish to know what the truth is about getting your ex love back. Where do you start the process, what must be done, and you are also wondering whether you have a real chance, because the reason you broke up was pretty serious.

Do you think your Ex love wants you back?

Perhaps you have broken up a few times before, and always made up soon afterwards. This time it is different because you have not heard a thing from your lost love, and he/she seems to have cut off all communication with you. There is no answer to your text messages or phone calls, which are making you really start feel rejected. The truth about getting your ex love back, is that you will have to make the first move now, because your partner is no longer communicating with you. If you parted with him/her saying that you can just be friends rather; it would no doubt have felt like a lead weight in your heart! You are probably thinking right now that maybe, just maybe, the relationship is truly over.

The truth about getting your love back is that ANY relationship can be saved.

The only danger is that the longer you wait to get your ex back the harder it is going to get. There are some excellent tactics that have been written by expert authors on how to handle breakups. One of the most powerful ones which have helped thousands of people all over the world, is known as the Magic Of making Up! Many other authors have followed this expert relationships author’s lead, but no guides will tell you the truth about getting your love back like this one will.

Dealing with your breakup sensibly! You have to deal with the problem of getting your ex back on your own. The truth about getting your ex back is that it can become a reality, simply by following proven methods, by saying the right things at the right time, and using proper relationship psychology. Never mind what others say about investing in guides to help relationships. In this day and age, it is either that, or end up paying a small fortune to a relationship counselor and perhaps not getting the desired results anyway. This guide about making up is a complete step by step guide that has helped thousands of couples all over the world. If you have broken up and want your ex back then the truth about getting your ex back can definitely be found in The Magic Of making up!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Should I tell My Mum What I Saw? Please Help

What do You Think? Please Comment Urgently!

Hi Richard,

I saw your blog and that is where I got your email address. Please can you give me some advice because I do not know what to do?

My name is Rachel and I am 15. I live in Wisconsin with my parents and my little brother Sean who is 12. My parents are the greatest and I love my Mum and Dad very much but my brother is a bit of a pain.

My dad has his own tire supply company and my mum works at a bookkeeping firm part time. Sometimes they fight quite a lot and then my dad goes out till late. Next day they are friends again.

Last Tuesday I came home from school early because cheerleaders practice was cancelled. I walked in on my dad doing things on the couch with a lady that works for him. They did not see me and I was so shocked I just stood there like someone had glued me to the floor. Then I tiptoed out again and started to cry. I went to my friend’s house and when she asked me why I was crying I said I fell.

When I built up courage I went home. My mum was home by then and when she asked why my eyes were red I said I had a fight with my friend that’s all but things were ok again. My dad said Hello but I could not look at him in the eyes. Since then I don’t feel like eating and my mum keeps asking ‘Honey what’s wrong’? My Dad does not know what I saw and he carries on like normal.

What I saw is tearing me up and I cannot sleep at night.


I don’t know what to do. I see you give free advice and that is why I wrote this mail. Please help me.

I haven’t even told my friend but she can also see that something is worrying me badly. I am so confused please help me.

Thank you Rachel.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How To Heal A Broken Heart

You may think that no one can really give you advice on how to heal a broken heart but that is not entirely true. The pain you are feeling which is normally around the heart area is quite intense after your relationship has fallen apart and you have broken up. At this moment in time there is not much else you can think of except the love you lost, and thoughts about why you broke up will be going around in your head. If you know deep inside that this is really final and there is no way you can make up then you need to start accepting this fact and use this advice on how to heal a broken heart. Follow this expert advice step by step and it will help with the healing of your broken heart even though right now you believe nothing can help.

Put the pain behind you and start making plans to get on with your life. This means getting rid of all things that remind you of him/her no matter how hard it may be. You can pack away things of real value which can be taken out of storage again when you are strong enough to face them.

Realize that getting over breaking up is about you. It’s over, so start thinking about your self instead of the relationship which is now a thing of the past. This is an important point in the process of how to heal a broken heart.

If your ex is a really lovable person and wanted to be friends; can that thought for a while because this may start you on a track of thinking the relationship can be salvaged. Depending on what caused you to break up one of the answers to how to heal a broken heart is to find out ways to get your ex back but you must think about whether making up again is really possible.

Take little steps forward to work through the break up and also one day at a time as well. Grief is a process that takes time and you will eventually start feeling the pain lessen

Work out the real plan of action. Do you want to get over the relationship completely or are you thinking of trying to get back with your partner again. You cannot move on until you accept that the relationship is over. If not work out plans for making up if you want to attempt this and even invest in professional guides for making up.

Think positive and also be positive. Dwelling on the break up is not going to help you at all. If you want to know how to heal a broken heart then the best way is start by looking for the bright side of things. You have to release your anger, pain and stress and talking to a close friend or family about what happened is a good way to do this. They may also help you see the brighter positive side.

DO NOT chase after your ex with endless text messages, haunting places where she hangs out, or driving past her parents’ house. This is a big no-no even if you are working on a plan of trying to get her back. These are some of the practical ways on how to heal a broken heart which can be followed. You will not be in a state of mind right now that you have a broken heart to make any sensible decisions even if it is about trying to make up.

Once you have worked it through then you can decide. Check out relationship guides for making up or finding new love again. These are worth investing in and will also help you avoid making the same mistakes again.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Conversation Tips For Relationships & How to Get The Girl!

Every relationship expert will tell you that communication is one of the most vital aspects to make a relationship work. When the relationship is new you may struggle to make conversation and during your dates you may end up sitting in thick embarrassed silence. No doubt you both want to make a good impression on your partner but the problem is you don’t want to say the wrong thing especially when you do not know the person well yet. There are tons of guides on conversation tips for relationships but some common sense is also useful and there are quite a few topics that you can talk about which are general and impersonal, so quite safe.

General Conversation tips for relationships

It is going to sound a little cheesy if you start talking about the weather although you may think it is a great conversation starter. Some examples you can use to get the conversation off to a start is talking about the restaurant you are having the date in, what sort of foods your partner enjoys, where your date is from, the college they attended and what sort of activities your date likes. Avoid religion, politics and bad news on your first few dates until you get to know each other better. If you want a broader idea of conversation tips for relationships I have found Adam Armstrong’s guides exceptional value. You can find guides on conversation tips for relationships, relationship problem solvers and how to attract and approach the person you have your eye on.

Have a look at the 10 flawless conversation starters which will help you keep the conversation going on your dates and ways that you can build up your self confidence. If you want the best possible value and wish to learn what the best conversation tips for relationships are then these guides are worth their weight in gold.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

How To Get Your Ex back On Valentines Day

Valentines Day is the ideal day to forgive and forget and if you love your ex and want him/her back you can make the most of this occasion and make it happen. It does not matter what the reason is that you broke up even if it was serious. If you do it right then you can make amends and declare your commitment to each other on the day dedicated to lovers. Relationships are very precious but things can happen to cause you to break up. If you love each other then here is how to get your ex back on Valentines Day.

Don’t Wait for your partner to make the first Move!

The first piece of advice on how to get your ex back on Valentines Day is to make the first move towards making up. If both of you are going to wait for each other to make up nothing is going to happen now is it! You can send flowers, chocolates, cards or something cute with a note asking him/her for a date. If you were the cause of the break up you can use the card to ask for forgiveness. Declare your commitment to the relationship and declare your love for your partner.

Arrange your date like it is the first date.

For guys; women love to be courted. Arrange the date as if it is the first time you will be going out with her. This will also remind her of why she was attracted to you in the first place. Go out of your way to be a gentleman, be well groomed, pitch up with flowers, mind your manners and let her talk. If you want to know how to get your ex back on Valentines Day and she does agree to go on a date with you; go all out to make it the best date she ever has. Do NOT bring up the reasons of why you broke up unless she broaches the subject first. When she does, then play it by ear. Guys like to impress girls up front and then they take the relationship for granted. Just remember you want to show her you have changed for the better and you want to remind her of the guy she was attracted to and why she loves you.

For Girls; if you want to know how to get your ex back on Valentines Day then this is your one chance to forgive and forget. You must remember that it is always extremely hard for a guy to ask a girl out, even if your were already together, and if he wants to make amends for the break up give him a chance at taking you out on a date on this special day or lose him forever. If you have said yes the start by taking pride in your appearance, and wear your best perfume that you know he likes. If you want to get your ex back then you can also send him a card or note just to open the playing field for him if he has not taken the first step. Perhaps he is not sure whether he has a chance. You can let him know that he has! Be positive and gracious on your date and if it was his fault you broke up gently let him know exactly what you want from your relationship from here on in.

Make Up on Valentines Day a day for lovers to forgive and forget. If your break up has been an extremely complicated one there are other great guides for making up. Get this one on which is on special offer for Valentines Day if you value your relationship. The Magic Of making Up.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How To Win Your Love Back

There are numerous guides on how to get your love back but many have the advice all wrong and people end up losing their precious relationships for good. Some believe the way to get your love back is to pursue them aggressively, and even others believe in begging their ex to come back again telling them that they will change for the better. Some advice even goes on to tell you ways of making your ex insanely jealous but this may also end in finally severing the relationship for good. Follow this great advice on how to win your love back which is practical and workable.

Do not chase after your ex!

The first and probably one of the most important things that you need to know in the how to win your love back is to NOT chase after them. This applies the same for guys and girls, women and men, ex wives and husbands. People that have broken up send hundreds of texts, guys send tons of chocolates and flowers and some in desperation even stalk their ex lovers home or workplace. This is bad and very wrong because it results in both men and women coming across as sniveling groveling slaves top your ex. In women’s cases they prefer Alpha males and in the case of a guy he will see it as being completely smothered. Either way it can mean that your ex has carte blanch to play head games with you. This is especially more true in the case of girls and women. You will agree that this is definitely not the answer to how to win your love back!

Reverse Psychology is the best solution to win your love back.

Instead of chasing after your ex and coming over as desperate you need to play some games with then to make them come crawling back to you. In the case of getting an ex girlfriend back an idea is to flirt with every girl but her when she is around. In the case of a guy this can also be done. Be polite and friendly with your ex but nothing more than that. Your ex will start remembering all the charms and good characteristics that attracted you to her/him and this will make them want to come back to you.

Advice for guys to know how to win your love back.

It is an idea to try and go on a date with one of her friends or acquaintances. To facilitate this you could text her to let her know you will be dating her friends and ask advice along the lines…like “now that we’re just friends, I wanted your opinion on something. Where should I take Julie to dinner after the movie, or what restaurant does Julie like?” That is sure to make you’re ex girlfriend start seething and this is one of the best tricks for how to win love back. Other great tips are to show you are happy when she is around. Girls like happy guys and it will make her wonder why you are happy considering that you have broken up.

Advice for Girls on How to win your love back.

To get your ex guy interested in you again change your looks and fashion. You can also use the same tip as mentioned above and even get your ex guys friend in on what you are up to if you know he will keep your confidence. Focus on you instead of your ex boyfriend and just be friendly though nonchalant when he is around. Even if you have to fake being happy do so. When you look great when he is around soon enough he is going to realize what he is missing and come crawling back.

***Invest in this excellent guide that will give you in depth information on how to get your ex back!***