Sometimes you feel smothered and trapped in a relationship, and this is why many will ask their partners for some space to figure out where the relationship is going. How can you tell if your relationship is working? Perhaps you previously broke up with your partner and did everything you could to get them back. Now that you have made up, you are wondering if you made a mistake by getting back together with this person. When relationships break up, sometimes everything is done to get back together again while you are heartbroken, and this is also done while you are not thinking straight because of the pain of heartbreak. If you are always arguing and fighting, then often you will ask yourself the question of whether the relationship is really working or not, and if you should continue being with your partner.
Questions that you can ask yourself to evaluate your relationshipThere’s no foolproof way to determine if your relationship is working, and whether you are prepared to spend the rest of your life with this person. There are many questions you should ask yourself about the relationship you are in. Firstly are you happy? When you are together do you feel fulfilled? Do you trust your partner implicitly, and most important do you feel in love and complete when you are together. Is your partner a friend you can confide in?
Do you have doubts about your relationship?Everyone has different needs and different outlooks on a relationship. If you have a positive outlook of your partner, then you could be in a great relationship. If you have a few doubts about whether your relationship is working that is also perfectly natural. You may not be fully compatible and have the same likes and dislikes, but if you communicate well with each other then there should never be any problem regarding this.
Your relationship is working if you feel completely safe in the relationship. This applies to also feeling physically safe and comfortable with each other. It also applies to feeling emotionally safe, and knowing that your partner will never physically abuse or hurt you. You know in your heart that no matter what happens, that they would not want to hurt you for the world.
Do you trust each other?Your relationship is working if you trust each other and you feel confident and safe from the threat of the relationship breaking up? If you worry about your partner cheating often, or always tend to feel jealous there may be problems looming.
This will mean that you are spending a lot of time being suspicious and questioning your partners’ motives when they are out with friends, or interacting with others at work too often and too long like working late for example. You need to figure out if your doubts and worries are reasonable. If you feel special, loved, safe and completely happy in your relationship, and you can safely answer the questions above positively then your relationship is working. Enhance your relationship by investing in knowledge on how you can take it to the next level of unbreakable bonds with
these expert guides.